6 of the most important foods rich in zinc

Zinc is one of the necessary and essential minerals for the human body, so what are the foods rich in zinc?

Zinc is an important mineral for good health, and its deficiency can cause some different health problems. In this article, you will find foods rich in zinc and more information about it:

6 of the most important foods rich in zinc

Zinc rich foods

It is necessary to include foods rich in zinc in your diet, due to its many health benefits, and the most prominent sources of zinc are:

1. Meat

Meat, poultry, and seafood such as oysters are excellent sources of zinc.

Every 100 grams of minced meat contains 4.8 milligrams of zinc, equivalent to 43% of the recommended daily share of this mineral.

In addition, meat is a food rich in other nutrients necessary for the body, such as: protein, iron, D, and vitamin B group.

But it is important to eat unprocessed meat and stay away from processed meat in order for your diet to be balanced and contain other food groups.

2. Legumes

Legumes of all kinds are rich in zinc, as every 100 grams of cooked lentils contains 12% of the recommended daily share of zinc.

It should be noted that legumes also contain a substance called phytates, which hinders the process of absorbing zinc in the body, and therefore your body will not benefit much from it.

This means that plant sources of zinc are less efficient, or less absorbed in the body, compared to those animal sources.

3. Nuts

Eating nuts enhances zinc levels in the human body, due to their high levels in them, such as: almonds, peanuts, and cashews.

Cashews are one of the best sources of zinc, as every 28 grams of them contain 14% of the recommended daily share of zinc.

In addition, nuts are characterized by essential nutrients, such as: healthy fats, dietary fiber, and some vitamins and minerals.

4. Eggs

Eggs contain a moderate amount of zinc, as each large egg contains approximately 5% of the recommended daily share of it.

This is characterized by the egg's many health benefits; Because of the minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats it contains, it must be eaten in moderation.

5. Dark chocolate

Did you know that every 100 grams of dark chocolate contains 3.3 milligrams of zinc, which is nearly 30% of the daily value?

Unfortunately, chocolate is high in calories, as every 100 grams of it is rich in approximately 600 calories, so it is not the best source of zinc.

6. Dairy products

Dairy products contain many important nutritional values essential for human health and are also foods rich in zinc.

It is worth noting that the zinc contained in these products is absorbed by the body very effectively, unlike the previously mentioned plant products.

Other foods contain a small amount of zinc

Some foods contain small amounts of zinc, such as some vegetables, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and green beans.

And some fruits, such as: avocado, blackberries, pomegranate, kiwi, and cantaloupe.

The importance of zinc for the body

Zinc is essential for the human body, as it is involved in many different vital functions in the body, and here are the most prominent benefits for the body as follows:

  • It is involved in the work of about 300 enzymes, and it is also important for some vital processes.
  • Zinc helps in the metabolism of various nutrients.
  • Maintains the health of the immune system, the process of cell growth, and the repair of those affected.
  • Zinc deficiency causes many different eye problems and diseases.
  • Zinc contributes greatly to the health of the skin and mucous membranes, which in turn aids in the wound healing process.

The daily share of zinc

It is necessary to know that the body does not store zinc, so it is necessary to eat it from its natural sources, in order to obtain its daily share of foods rich in zinc.

The daily dose of zinc is as follows:

  • For men: 11 milligrams per day.
  • Women: 8 milligrams daily.
  • Pregnant women: 11 milligrams per day.
  • Breastfeeding women: 12 milligrams daily.


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