Benefits of Drinking Pottery Water

The Benefits of Drinking Pottery Water

Drinking water from a clay pot has been a practice in many cultures for centuries. There are many potential benefits to drinking pottery water, including improved hydration, reduced risk of kidney stones, improved digestion, reduced inflammation, improved skin health, and increased energy levels. In addition to these potential benefits, drinking pottery water can also be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option than drinking bottled water.

The benefits of drinking Pottery water

Drinking water from a clay pot has been a practice in many cultures for centuries. There are many potential benefits to drinking pottery water, including:

  1. Improved hydration. Clay pots are porous, which allows them to absorb water and release it slowly. This means that the water in a clay pot is more easily absorbed by the body, leading to improved hydration.
  2. Reduced risk of kidney stones. The minerals in clay can help to bind to calcium in the urine, which can help to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  3. Improved digestion. The minerals in clay can help to improve digestion by increasing the production of digestive enzymes.
  4. Reduced inflammation. The minerals in clay can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body.
  5. Improved skin health. The minerals in clay can help to improve skin health by reducing acne and other blemishes.
  6. Increased energy levels. The minerals in clay can help to increase energy levels by improving the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

In addition to these potential benefits, drinking pottery water can also be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option than drinking bottled water. Clay pots are made from natural materials and can be reused many times. They are also less likely to leach harmful chemicals into the water than plastic bottles.

If you are looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, drinking pottery water may be a good option for you. There is a growing body of evidence to support the potential benefits of drinking pottery water. However, it is important to note that more research is needed to confirm these benefits.

How to Choose a Pottery Pot for Drinking Water

When choosing a pottery pot for drinking water, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Size: The pot should be large enough to hold the amount of water you typically drink in a day.
  • Shape: The pot should have a wide mouth and a narrow neck to make it easy to drink from.
  • Material: The pot should be made from a natural material, such as clay, that is free of harmful chemicals.
  • Color: The pot should be a light color, such as white or beige, to prevent the water from absorbing any harmful pigments.

How to Clean a Pottery Pot for Drinking Water

To clean a pottery pot for drinking water, simply wash it with warm water and mild soap. Be sure to rinse the pot thoroughly to remove any soap residue. You can also soak the pot in a solution of vinegar and water to help remove any hard water stains.

How to Store a Pottery Pot for Drinking Water

Once the pot is clean, store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing the pot in direct sunlight, as this can cause the water to evaporate and the pot to crack.


Drinking pottery water is a simple way to improve your health and well-being. By choosing a high-quality pot and following the simple cleaning and storage instructions, you can enjoy the benefits of pottery water for years to come.


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